Freedom For Mothers Leader’s Guide (Korean) 자유 인도자 지침서
<자유> 8주 학생용 교재를 사용하는 마더와이즈 성경 공부 모임을 어떻게 계획하고 인도하는지에 대한 자세한 지침서입니다. <자유> DVD와 함께 활용하시면 더욱 좋습니다.
자유 – 인도자 지침서 (8주 개정판) FREEDOM FOR MOTHERS Leader Guide
For eight weeks, you will take a journey into God’s Word to discover the fullness and freedom you can experience as a woman and as a mother. You will find the source to fill your “love bucket,” recognize common mothering traps and deal decisively with self-defeating habits. Based on John 15. Great for all mothers, but especially moms of tweens and teens.
This is an excellent resource for leaders. Provides the leader with helpful information on how to plan, organize and lead a Bible study group using the study workbook.
Note: You may purchase this Leader’s guide individually or as part of the sample pack
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무게 | 3 lbs |