How to Start a FatherWise Group

This component of the FatherWise group is where men are taught specific Biblical lessons. FatherWise devotional bible study books are used for individual study and daily devotion to encourage and educate group members to develop a daily walk with the Lord. Men will discover from the Scriptures the principles for spiritual growth, marriage, and parenting. Then in the FatherWise class time, the Mentor Men/Team Leader will lead in reading and discussing the Scriptures assigned for that week.
Members split into smaller groups for a more intimate time of sharing and praying together for their individual and corporate concerns. Mentoring Men and/or Team leaders lead the small group prayer segment of each meeting. Men praying with men about their concerns is a powerful part of each FatherWise meeting. FatherWise provides specific guidelines for prayer that have proven to be very effective in a group settings.
FatherWise Mentoring Men/Team Leaders lead the men to discuss practical life skills about marriage, parenting, and other issues related to men. Using the discussion questions in the workbooks, these skills cover such topics as effective discipline, creating a quiet time, romancing your wife, communication with your child and other topics related to that week's study. Creative leaders may choose to use different methods to encourage discussion and application for the lessons such as needed.
How to Begin
- PRAY! Gather a group of friends together to pray for God’s leadership. Pray that God will lead men to be in the group, pray for leaders to help you with your group needs, and a place to meet.
- PERMISSION - Depending on where you will be holding your FatherWise group, you will need to obtain permission from your pastor or leader.
- PURCHASE MATERIALS from the Kardo office in Houston or Kardo’s representative in your country.
- PROMOTE - Using social media or word of mouth, Find other fathers who are interested in taking the study through neighbors, friends, school, church or family. Ask permission to put signs up at your church about the study with your contact information. Contact the men who want to attend and see how many will be in the group, when and where it will be convenient to meet.
- GROUP SIZE- If your group is larger than 6-10 members, consider enlisting additional FatherWise Leaders. A FatherWise Leader is a godly man who is growing in her faith and has a heart for other men.
- VIDEOS- In the videos (if available) you will hear David Glenn, the author, teach the lessons.
- SUGGESTED FORMAT 1.5 - 2 Hour Format
- 30-40 minutes - Bible study (introduce the lesson and discuss together
- 30-40 minutes- prayer groups
- 30-40 minutes- Discuss practical skills
- First meeting suggestions: meet and greet each other, if possible show introduction video, give out workbooks, instruct each man on how to pray within the group (confidentiality a must).
This person should have the gift of administration and be able to pay attention to details. Here are a few of his responsibilities:
- Get approval from church if meeting there or wife if meeting in your home.
- Schedule a day and time for meeting.
- Invite men to come.
- Get additional help (mentors), if needed.
- Order materials.
- Begin each session.